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One hour facelift threadlift and necklift

Risks And Complications

Threadlift Facelift and Necklift Risks

Every procedure, no matter how trivial, has potential risks and complications. In the hands of an experienced surgeon, your risk of sustaining any complication is significantly reduced.

Because the Threadlift facelift and necklift procedure is a minimally invasive facelift and necklift procedure, the rate of significant uncorrectable (permanent) complications is very low.

Some bruising is possible, but other side effects associated with facelift surgery (swelling, numbness, muscle weakness, scars) are very unusual or completely unexpected. Dimpling of the skin is possible, but when noticed at the time of the procedure, can be resolved quickly and painlessly. Dimples or surface irregularities noted later may require a minor procedure to release the dimple. Minor facial asymmetry is possible and a small degree of asymmetry may be acceptable. However, significant asymmetry may result from disengagement or breakage of the Threadlift threads. In this case, a new Threadlift thread may be placed or an existing Threadlift thread may be tightened to restore the desired contour. The most significant concern is that the Threadlift thread may be felt or seen under the skin. This may occur if the Threadlift thread is too close to the surface of the skin or if the skin thins with advancing age or weight loss. In this scenario, the offending Threadlift thread may be removed and a new Threadlift thread can be inserted.

The following specific risks and complications of the One Hour Threadlift Facelift and Necklift procedure are listed below within particular risk categories. The expected rate of each risk/complication is listed as a probability when the Threadlift facelift procedure is performed by an experienced surgeon. Additional comments are provided as necessary.

Most bruising typically resolves completely within one week.

Visible swelling typically resolves within one week. When present, residual swelling typically resolves completely within one month.

May be removed/replaced if problematic.

Suspension typically not affected. May be replaced if necessary.

Correction of new asymmetry is possible with tightening of existing threads or placement of additional threads.

Loss of 5-10 hair follicles in the incision should be completely hidden.

Scarring from needle punctures is rare.

Additional threads can be placed for enhanced support.

Easily corrected early in many cases. Requires a procedure to correct later.

Typically resolves spontaneously or is correctable.

Visible threads should be removed/replaced.

May require drainage and antibiotics. Threads may need to be removed.

May require drainage.

Resolution may occur over time.

COMMON (70%)



RARE (<5%)

Palpable Thread

Palpable Thread



Hair Loss


Early Loss of Support


Dimpling of Skin

Contour Irregularity

Visible Thread



Nerve Injury